Provider for the content of this website

ACSYS Lasertechnik GmbH
Leibnizstrasse 9
70806 Kornwestheim

T: +49 (0)7154 808 75 0

Stuttgart Local Court HRB 206629
VAT ID No.: DE813681276

ACSYS Lasertechnik GmbH
Leipziger Strasse 37
09648 Mittweida

T: +49 (0) 3727 996 909 0

Local Court Chemnitz HRB 21036

Gerhard Kimmel
Sascha König

Legal information / Disclaimer

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For some editorial contributions, ACSYS uses free and license-free image databases. These images and graphics are also protected by copyright and other protective laws. For more information, please refer to our separate list of image rights or the license terms of the relevant artists and databases.

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Consent to processing can be revoked at any time by telephone via +49 (0)7154 808 75 0 or by e-mail The data you provide will be processed by ACSYS Lasertechnik GmbH for the purpose of processing your request. The data will not be passed on to third parties. Further information can be found in the privacy policy.


Bitte Daten angeben. Lorem Ipsum dolor...

Consent to processing can be revoked at any time by telephone via +49 7967 152 0 or by e-mail The data you provide will be processed by ACSYS Lasertechnik GmbH for the purpose of processing your request. The data will not be passed on to third parties. Further information can be found in the privacy policy.